Джерело: agropolit.com
This was stated by the Deputy Minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine, a sales representative of Ukraine Natalia Mikolskaya.

Background. Since the launch of the free trade area (FTA) between Ukraine and Canada, the export of Ukrainian goods is actively growing. And for the first half of 2017 it amounted to $23 million and continues to grow. This suggests that Ukrainian producers began to supply the trial batches of goods, even before the launch of the FTA for market research. At the same time, most of them complain about the complicated export procedure and ask to simplify the rules of trade.

According to Mikolskaya, now there are some problems with currency regulation, customs reform and certification bodies in Ukraine.

Export strategy 2017 – 2021 provides a solution to the issues regarding currency regulation. Now we are working on a bill that will help to liberalize this issue and we hope that the Parliament will support it," ‒ announced Mikolskaya.

According to recently published data, to carry out export operation in Ukraine one needs 11 documents. The whole process will last on average 127 hours and will cost hundreds of dollars.

If we talk about the export contract, the new bill is intended to reduce the number of required documents, as well as the costs to receive them," ‒ said the trade representative of Ukraine.

According to her, in order to export the goods to foreign markets, they need to meet the standards of quality and safety.

Manufacturers that are already trading on the market of the European Union, have a sufficiently high quality of their products. It will not be difficult for them to get the required certificates for Canada. It can be done through either paperwork or through coming of specialists from Canada to the enterprise. If we are talking about animal products, the situation is more complicated. The important point is the tracking of production chain: from the embryo of the animal to the final product. The same refers to feed and products used for fattening of animals", ‒ summed up Natalia Mikolskaya.

Read full article on Dairynews.com.ua

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